Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun READ MORE
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365 Days For Travelers
Wisdom from Chinese Literary and Buddhist Classics

365 Days for Travelers


Venerable Master Hsing Yun (1927 - , Fo Guang Shan)
English translation: Zhi Yue and Lih-Jing Ting

Half is day, and half is nighttime;
Half is good, and half is not kind.

Half are men, and half are women;
Half are real, and then half are lies.

Buddha’s world is one half,
and the other is of Mara;
Half for you, half for me,
Within this world, no one can conquer the other half.

Strive for the better half,
The worse half will naturally decrease.
Accept the beautiful half,
Tolerate the lesser half,
For an all-encompassing life.

── from Renjian Yinyuan
(Sounds of the Human World)
NOTE: What is considered fortunate or misfortunate are actually both sides of the same coin. Similarly, good is one side, bad is the other side; wholesomeness is one side, unwholesomeness is the other side. It is impossible to expect a perfect world; it is natural for the world and life to have its imperfections.

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Humble Table, Wise Fare


Recorded by Leann Moore         0:18

Wearing the armor of diligence
and holding the bow of tolerance,
we can subdue Mara.
Mixing compassion-water
with wisdom-wood,
we can build a temple.

Dharma Instruments

Venerable Master Hsing Yun grants voices to the objects of daily monastic life to tell their stories in this collection of first-person narratives.

Sutras Chanting

The Medicine Buddha SutraMedicine Buddha, the Buddha of healing in Chinese Buddhism, is believed to cure all suffering (both physical and mental) of sentient beings. The Medicine Buddha Sutra is commonly chanted and recited in Buddhist monasteries, and the Medicine Buddha’s twelve great vows are widely praised.


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